nfts & crypto based projects
chicken tribe & dedprz
Chicken Tribe was my first dive into the world of NFTs. A former coworker invited me to collaborate—he handled the crypto and coding, while I focused on the art. We built excitement around the project, but shortly after launch, the NFT market took a downturn. Despite that, the experience was invaluable and led to DEDPRZ, a passion project sparked by my coworker’s new connection.
degods & y00ts
My work on Chicken Tribe caught the attention of other NFT teams, including DeGods. I was brought on for several small projects and later contributed to the launch of their y00ts project, designing the minting website and minting NFTs. While the final y00ts NFTs were created by their internal artists, they continue to reach out to me for additional work as needed.
Through my work with DeGods and Y00ts, I teamed up with one of their art directors, who was later let go but remained determined to continue working in the NFT and crypto space. As he sought out new opportunities, he brought me along, securing a few small projects with Meegos before landing a much larger endeavor—nearly 30 short animated videos. This project allowed me to further refine my animation skills while continuing to work within the evolving world of NFTs.